
And can we please let Shohreh Aghdashloo cuss away to her heart’s content?

I’ll respect your opinion Heather, as you play far more games than I do.

Now playing

I have similar feelings about a similar level.

Or better yet, don’t, and use REAL words to communicate. Oh wait, these are iToy users we are talking about. Never mind then, we’ll ignore your random drooling.

There’s a whole lot more crud waiting for you once you start playing.

The thing about elves in Middle Earth is that they don’t age

That’s fair?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

I’m enthusiastically digging into Divinity: Original Sin 2 - I waited patiently until release, it was so hard to do!

Just like your comment.

I have to commend the members of the Galactic Counsel for not whining like a bunch of entitled gamers to Hello Games and demanding their hub be restored, and have simply moved on looking towards the future.

Then again, maybe that should be expected of a community of players who have stuck with NMS for this long.

I can’t wait for this option in Shadow of Mordor 2.

As a heterosexual man, banging another man sounds a lot more appealing than banging a fish frankly.

As a homosexual man, banging a lot of things is way more appealing than banging you in particular.

Surprise, a Dark Crystal Prequel Series Is Coming to Netflix!

“ ...game of nuclear chicken... “

Protip: Print off a few quotes to sprinkle under the bushes. They make great fertilizer.

What if they just rename it “Royale with Cheese”?

“I didn’t get a chance to test it” => Of course not Vanessa, you don’t have a prostate...