
Well, my grandmother used to watch it every day so their plan must have worked!

I was wondering if somebody would mention that! We don't translate anything in Flanders, Scrubs is just Scrubs. I'm assuming Wallonia just uses whatever title the French come up with. Would be more accurate to say "In France scrubs is ...".

No love for Scorpius?

Not of all time, but she deserve a mention only because she puts up with all the stupid nonsense everyone is doing around here. While also wearing super cool dresses.

Now playing

Brock Fucking Samson. Venture Bros had me at hello.

And would make terrorism nearly impossible to prevent.

Damn. You beat me to it, for all the reasons I was going to mention and then some (don't know how I forgot about the Belters).

The Expanse series has realistic elements of world building like zero-g, relativistic space travel requiring gel-filled crash couches and time-delayed communications between planets. There are also the Belters, people born on asteroids, who didn't grow up in gravity so they're taller than Earthers and struggle walk

I can see my dog going to town on this.

Surprise twist: Overheats.

FYI: I love the name "DJ Hooker." William Shatner would be proud.

Either way, it's one hell of a space drug.

Why straight people need bring in sex everywhere? If you are straight, fine, but keep it for yourself. The world dont need to know you are like sleep with different sex people. But no, every straight need to show what he do in bedroom for everyone to see. And about you are proud? For having sex? Or just be straight?

Calm down, TRT-X. Just accept it, and then we can have pizza...and margarita shooters!

I dare you to plug it in when you plug it up there!

Those are some HUGE anal beads!

I've only played through Act I, so my impressions are somewhat limited.

POLTERGEIST!!!!! to this day I carry an deep seeded mistrust and dare I say Hate toward clowns.... and freaky ghosts..