
So essentially you combine two brain-dead hobbies at the same time. Kudos! Though the videogames are probably a lot more demanding.

To not control that thing thing with a Steam Controller should be considered BLASPHEMY!

I have the same problem. I keep buying every Bethesda game because every critic praises it to high heaven. Then I proceed to try and enjoy it for 10 to 15 hours, after which I just quit because the story is bland, the NPC’s look ghastly, their animations and lipsync are completely off (they all look like

Isn’t Windows 10 launching soon on the Xbox One?

I would’ve gone with “no more religion”. But then, I didn’t WTFM.

Your internet appears to be working. You’ll figure something out.

I just finished Nemesis Games last night on my kindle. I use Amazon’s whispersync feature and seamlessly go from audiobook in my car to print in my bed. There’s no going back once you’ve tasted that. Dead trees be damned. I can immerse myself in a story all day long! (Even during work.)

Damn! Let’s hope we get the holodeck. At that point we’re set!

She just died a little in a puddle. The mind-rape came the next season, the actual rape 4 seasons after that.

Or... You could’ve just looked it up and moved on. It’s a nice tale.

I wouldn’t be eating them carby-starchy things at all, if it was to helped at all.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to disavow family by just using quotation marks, though.

Your “uncle”? Was he secretly your aunt?

So Leland Gaunt will be selling swedish meatballs?

I stopped reading after that bit. He clearly lives in a land even stranger than portrayed in his games.

That looks keto-licious!

Don’t you mean “Andromeda is coming for you”?

You don’t get the feeling the budget is much tighter?

Sickbeard and Sabnzbd for the win.

I blankly stared at that for way too long, thankyouverymuch.