
Then again, becoming a vampire completely changes a person. They die, a demon lives on in their body.

You do, that thing holds up great. Except for that piece of wtffuckery.

Grmbl. Now I have a VALID reason to think Renner is the weakest of the lot.

Oh wow. I wish I didn't know about that. Why didn't it work out?

Ubisoft will be all over that! Time to put a haystack below the thing.

Well, those optimal specs will net you 30fps no doubt. Good enough for Ubi, good enough for you!

I guess it was necessary to hook the housewives.

Yeah, make that the french or german speaking part of belgium. We flemish speaking belgians don't translate tv or movie titles.

Now you're practically stealing bits from the Will Wheaton Project.

Won't do What'sApp backup anymore on my Nexus 5 (rooted). Am I doing something wrong? Last backup was 6th of February, and that was on my previous phone.

Yeah. I used that thing since its inception. I'm happy with Newsblur, but it doesn't "skim" as easily.

Loving the Wil Wheaton project!

I'll stick to a tall glass of aqua vitae in the morning, thank you very much.


Yeah, that's Radboud University to you, buddy.

Ha! Now I wish I had thought of it like that.

I'm pretty sure the DJ Hooker is there to muddy the waters (pun intended) between Alak and Rafes daughter whatsherface.

No no, please continue!

He makes me feel old. I love sci-fi and everything genre related, but when I see his action scenes I often go "wait wut?". And not because I didn't understand or he just blew my mind. It's because he's GOING TOO FAST. You hardly get to actually see what's going on. Let alone in 3D. And his movies are usually not