
So I gave BF4 a shot, started with the campaign. Scene one, one of our guys gets jumped by a dog, punches it straight in the face.


Yet it won't run Assasin's Creed.

So you're bald?

Just be glad. You'd get slaughtered anyway if it did work.

You're aware that Gigabit is 1000 Mbit/s, not 100, right?

Just check the price. You know who this is for.

Just be glad there's still a choice while the tech side of things matures.

User friendliness. They wanted to eliminate the "several places to store your stuff" that was confusing less tech-savvy users.

Anybody see JJ on the Daily Show monday? "I didn't even like Star Trek". Stewart kept his cool, sort of, but you could tell it was a sucker punch to him as well.

To have her first bloom and then wither away like the plant she portrayed would've been a glorious achievement, to say the least. Yes, her suffering and subsequent on camera death would be a small price to pay. It would be Art.

It's not like Rockne O'Bannon hasn't worked with makeup before, considering he's done Farscape. He probably wants to keep it a bit more tolerable for the main actors. Don't want them running out after a while because the layers of crap are killing them, like they were Virginia Hey.

Is that rust on your plastic? You should have that taken care of, it's highly irregular!

Why not? Nobody would suspect a huge fan of the bat to actually BE the bat! And nothing screams fan more than this ugly ass coffee table. My god.

Oh look, Ben Burtt got promoted! And it syncs up nicely between Empire and Jedi.

Sure, and you never leak a drop or two in your underpants and that almost never rubs on the crotch of your pants.

Get on it already, Google. We need a HUD!

Seen fleeing the scene in 1518.

W. T. F. Thanks for letting me in on that one.