
Rich people don't use the interwebs? Is there some secret Richmodo that I don't know about?

I wonder if we get to do voice work on the quests. Out goes the immersion when the quest givers are silent. Also when the amateur voice work starts.

Walled garden. Never gonna happen. No titties and poon for the console crew.

I tried the first ME novel. It kinda sucked. Getting a good commissioned book for an IP is usually very hit & miss. This was definitely a miss.

Except that folks will be lining up around the block to see this.

Relief efforts, good thing. Shooting up other cultures, bad thing.

Perhaps, but in the end it's still following orders or face a court-marshall. At that point you're better off not thinking, I think.

So... science fiction for people who got brainwashed by the fear mongering of their government or really do believe they should be policing the entire world... Yeah, Starship Troopers.

Easily explained. FF is Yaoi, Skyrim is Bara. To each their own.

I love that man.

Bad news, it's still a platform fragmenting piece of crap that nobody was waiting for.

Just wait for the Wii U to replay those. I'm pretty sure it's gonna do Wii games in HD. Dolphin "works" but lacks the fluidity of the real thing. And that's something you really want with Mario.

I second that. Where are the days you were gonna play nintendo over at a friends house? It was just understood what that meant.

Thank you!

It used to be so much easier with the memory card slots.

Poor Siri.

Who sits on the can long enough to read?

Waited this long, I can do a couple more moths 'till that thing is €10 on steam. I'm cheap that way.

Don't we call this Episode IV, a bunch of rebels fighting the empire? They sure as hell didn't whine on a forum about the imbalance. They persevered and won!
