
Stuff like this makes me so wary of dating men. These men who spew hatred towards women online are people we all know: our coworkers, neighbours, friends, current and ex boyfriends. The Internet just allows them the freedom to go on verbally abusive tirades and say hateful, sexist things they wouldn't have the courage

See, this sort of thing pisses me off, and it's so typical of the way so many men interact with women. He opens with a lewd comment, and she just tells him not to message her anymore. In his mind, she is rude, and she owes him an apology because she didn't play the game, asking him nicely to stop while simpering and

Good point. I'd want to see what was next, I just don't understand why he kept going. Clearly, he was trying to bait her, but she wasn't biting. Dude, lick your "wounds" and move on.

I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.

Imagine if they had met up and she had actually disagreed with him. Actually would be a little scared for her.

Too much speed, and too many Ashton Kutcher movies, have led this logorrhoeic moron to think that he deserves this woman to do with as he wishes, because he probably thinks he's a Nice Guy[tm].

Just...bro...STOP TALKING! What on earth?? You say "you can put my meat in your mouth" then say SHE'S disrespecting you?? I've never seen such desperation. If she's so hideously fat with alien eyes, why'd you swipe right in the first place? Take your 32k and buy yourself something pretty, broseph. You deserve it after

Heaven only knows why she wasn't interested. Holy shit he's crazy.
He's like a real life Patrick Bateman.

Wow, that is mind blowing.

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.

Open relationship?

Open relationship? No. This is the contract of *EDIT* possessiveness and jealousy.

WE DO NOT JUDGE FOR LOVING XXX. I seriously obsessed over that movie for a good year or so. Ahhh, to be 14 and awkwardly obsessed with a terrible movie because of a hottie.

I've been not very secretly in lust with Vin Diesel for as long as I've known who he was. I'll take your shower selfies, Vin!

I imagine him whispering "swaggy" as he signed the lease.

I can't wait until this gets shared to the mainpage and we get all of the commenters trying to pretend that's perfectly normal behavior.

I wholeheartedly stand by my sentiments. Fucking fuck that.

Yeah, none of this stuff is offensive at all, just really, REALLY weird. If someone actually wants to pour half a shaker of pepper on their eggs, hey, its their eggs. I just don't understand how they can then eat them and not die.

Isha's verbatim reaction when I showed her that last story a week and a half ago:

tee hee.