
I really appreciate you taking the time to outline some of this, thank you — valuable insight and info for the community.

Jessica, please consider this a request for an official Evening of Squee across all kinja platforms when this is over. With Denton's blessing, you get to scour the internet looking for nothing but things that are deliciously weird, delightfully heartwarming or just flat out fun.

Time to bust out a new burner name: TheonGreycommentJoy.

I should really write a Why Can't We Not Google When People Tell Us "Don't Google' Post. WHY CAN'T WE JUST HEED THE WARNING!

Thanks, reading this makes for a whole new ache in my heart this show was cancelled.

The first thing I thought when I saw this was that I want to dive under here and look for a treasure chest or two. Should be a submerged door as well. And I haven't even played Skyrim in a while.

I didn't know what grits were until I was about 10. Then I had them, and they are now my favorite breakfast item that didn't originally oink.

The photographer responsible for that image is the source of most of the really great food pictures I use on here. Brent Hofacker is a goddamned artist.

No. No, that is not what he is saying.

In an upset, both are correct.

Before I knew how to pronounce it, I called endive "en-dive." Not "Ahn-deve." Embarrassing.

It's kind of distressing to me, though, that 3 month old anything would be even next to the food in a salad bar.

I was wondering that myself. I personally decided any veggie that maintained its cohesion for three months being taken in and out of various temperature levels is secretly, of course, and alien pod race that is diligently copying us.

Thank you, that is EXACTLY how it played out in my mind. I have ran into so many fuckers like that guy..UGH!

He goes "No, I KNOW what tempura is, what's THAT?"

Can't lie. You had me at Tom Hardy.

"perform cesarean surgery on her "with or without [her] consent" if she came to the hospital."

Before you start on a renovation project, check with your local chapter to see if they offer demolition/deconstruction services. A number of them will come in and professionally remove old appliances/fixtures/cabinets for donation, leaving you with less work (or a smaller contractor bill) for the renovation.