
Partially true, we only think it is easy cause we already know most terms and how it fits.

DBS is bad, too much redundant content thrown into it.

Why not just buy those that are refillable?

It’s all wired that way, there are a couple of other research as well that i can’t seem to find.

Was discussing this just yesterday that there are some jobs that will have lesser females due to the fact that it does not interest them even from the education step.
And from then on any IT related jobs will only have a smaller pool of women.

Main idea is that you have to break it down before eating it and that’s too troublesome for me.
Otherwise why do monkeys bother peeling it.

Location Services had drained my battery before, however i was not sure if it was Location Services itself or bad application causing the issue.

lint roller works fairly ok after clearing away the larger pieces.

If they don’t get threaten by the attacker or don’t get their database dumped into the public, some of them won’t even know.

I had to exchange like 5 times through the life of 4 drives within 3 years.
Do not put them in RAID configuration.

Write speed is a little low

I thought subway ticket gantry was fairly straightforward since it is common practice that you need it on exit.
And generally most trains does not have litter/trash bins preventing you from doing so as well as break your habit of eating/drinking in trains.
In other cases you might need it to prove you’re not a stowaway.

Found the fix in case anyone needs it

I thought this app can finally remove these ftp links i created in Quick Access

I think it’s not all bad.
I find it generally ok if it is something you’ve actually tried it.
And i think people nowadays should also Google a little if they want to try it and then decide if you want to.

Lifehacker had an article on it as well.

These are some examples, do at own risk

It won’t work, the different security types have different rating.
I think Pattern was considered as Low and PIN was medium then Password is High.