Great place for the gatling

Goth Girl Minifig looks inspired by Emily!

We were kinda dumb children.

This is really creeping me out.

This is my favorite one:

Kudos to autorazr. But can anything top this creation of Paul Janowski's - ? Maybe a LEGO Jack Kirby?

Awesome. Everything is Awesome.

Some people probably still think the "Garde" in "Gardevoir" is shorthand for "garden".

Mega Metagross has a mouth, just like Metagross always has, on its stomach.

Important question time regarding this feature:

That is cool and all... but I want:


If you paid attention to the first movie Optimus Prime explains that they collected information from earths internet to speak various languages so they could speak to the humans. Overtones or accents are the up to each transformers preference.

Now playing

I assume you mean this? The Duskull kid still kinda freaks me out.

Oh you mean this Drift who's been around since Gen 1?...

<BW Megatron> Yessssssssss.

That design looks a little farfetch'd.

There was a simple changing Transformer from the 80's that I actually liked. It was a tank and a plane.