Your office needs to lower its velocity ASAP.

My Headless Girlfriend Can’t Be This Cute!

no, six. It mutated and grew an extra one.


It would only be a copy if male same-sex couples could marry in one half of the states and female same-sex couples in the other half

I used to love F1 cars as a kid. Sadly the closest I’ve ever been to one is this:

Compared to the Hollywood version of Dragon Ball, it’s fine.

Tell me. Do you explode into studs?

And now we’ve come full circle from a live action version of the LEGO Batman suit to a LEGO version of the live action LEGO Batman suit.

look at it from the brightside atleast it's not flying through a 3d world with robotic sound effects and rotating logos

edit:actually nevermind i just watched the video

I agree, reminds me of this guy , my nephew wouldn't even play with it. The toy was called breakaway I think.

Bigger than big, taller than tall....

The Golurk one is actually true though.

For real! My wife is buying me some Mixels today for those sweet sweet ball joints.


"Well... At least I'll die dancing."