"These. Are. Just. Drawings," wrote another blog commenter online. "Why don't you guys say this after you lower your crime rate first," replied yet another, with one commenter adding, "Yanks picking fictional Lolita regulation over gun regulation."

Don't see the problem, but yes, bullying is bad.

Cosplaying (most of the time) is definitely not cheap, so it would be refreshing to see what people could do on a budget.

He looks like an "Adventure Time" version of Thor.

Plate Man from Mega Man 13? I love that guy!


It's fine, the water comes out it's mouth for some stupid reason :/

Not sure if putting your kid in high-power water jet that could split steel and tungsten in half is a good idea because it reeks of an accident waiting to happen. I think someone should maybe call the local Poke Child Protective Service Agency.

Hasbro with Rovio, I suppose it won't be long before many a day is ruined.

Now playing

He was also Robin in the superfriends cartoons.

Rest in peace, Shaggy.

Constructacons! I kid :).

Yes, you!


If they are capable of making this stuff then they should just be given a pass... They've already proved that they're smart.