I liked it better when it was this.

Japan? No, still America, guys.

Now playing

Definitely got the feels for His Silicon Soul. One of my favorite BTAS plotlines.

Oh God. Don't say it! Don't say it!

I thought the big reveal at the end would be these guys were involved

Oh look, a Titan in an even larger Titan.

Was this shot necessary?

They even had the courtesy to include the stripes.


The horror

So how long before we get a Vocaloid cover of "Everything is Awesome"?

This is where Mini Miku sits the control the Mega Miku Gundam

This is were mini-miku sits to control the Mega-Miku Gundam


I need this Bionicle-size Miku to be a set I can buy.

Not appropriate.


Trainer riding jeep.

i take it you never played metroid with the "justin bailey" code. in the first metroid, she ran around in a one piece leotard with green hair. and your reward for beating it fast enough was to see her in said leotard...though weirdly with brown hair. in fact all 3 original games incentivised you beating it fast by