Not appropriate.


Trainer riding jeep.

i take it you never played metroid with the "justin bailey" code. in the first metroid, she ran around in a one piece leotard with green hair. and your reward for beating it fast enough was to see her in said leotard...though weirdly with brown hair. in fact all 3 original games incentivised you beating it fast by

This is all I could think of when I saw this move. EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW.

Discussing his substitute move and whether or not he'll sacrifice health to use it, like in Pokemon games

One of the greatest strategists in Japan, Naoe Kanetsugu's famous helmet.

Seriously? There's a GIF in the article.

The original Soundwave had a shoulder cannon that was a battery when he was in cassette player form. This pulls off the look better though, since it looks like a Duracell.


Missing Mikasa's red scarf. Sadness.

The current nickelodeon series is cool. What's your actual beef with it?

The gunship sells it, really should be featured in the article too.

Look, people should be able to do what they want. If someone wants to cosplay as a certain character, and their body (or skin color or gender or whatever!) isn't an exact match, who cares. They shouldn't be made to feel bad about that.

I need her to be less of a minifig and more of a Bionicle-type set.

Needs bigger shoulder balls. Can we back this instead?

He is a democrat. It literally says it in the article.
