titans don't attack animals, this one my friend is the hero of the human race

That is hardly random since they were designed alongside a cartoon.

Mixels is LEGO's stab at a transmedia brand, a property created specifically with a wide variety of entertainment markets — toys, television, video games. Take a handful of endearingly stupid-looking critters, imbue them with personality, and send them off into the world to make money.

I took it as her having an accent.

Now playing

A preview of what to expect when Bryan Cranston is a giant lizard.

I had to stop playing DoA because the ladies were giving me motion sickness.
I wish that was a joke.

Akward Zombie was perfection XD

YES! I love that potato girl. Is in the marketing, she would love these.

Always a classic.

A Cubone doesn't need family reunions, he's always has the family close to his mind.

Coming soon, Dorkly Presents 12 Years A Pokemon...

No way, Joey wouldn't let his rattata evolve

It runs in a shonen magazine: Bessatsu Shonen Magizine

Get over here you big.....ow.

Like you who wastes their time with a silly meaningless comment such as you have typed up

Yet you clicked and even posted. You're no better apparently.

But...I don't see any potatos...

People like to talk about how the movies (or newer cartoons) are different from G1, but even the current G1 continuity is nothing like the cartoon anymore.