t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

I had no idea cloud data storage and SAAS were Chromebook-exclusive. Thank you!

Internet Sales Manager of a Chevy store here. This...is an excellent idea!

A super-portable, smart typewriter. I like it.

My point exactly. I loved the concept when they first hit the market, but now everyone has so many devices that overlap Chromebook's functionality, it's baffling that they have not gone the way of netbooks already.

I didn't implied that I had never used one. I have also owned and used many machines that appear to make Chromebooks vestigial.

I don't believe I will ever understand why Chromebooks exist, or who is buying them.

I'll concede that point, you're obviously keeping a studious eye on the industry.

I totally agree that the Pebble is great, but you can bet your ass that the next version is going to have to be more than a simple evolutionary improvement to compete in volume, not quality, with a company that has billions to throw around in marketing.

The word you're looking for is "shill", and that implies that I am being paid by Apple.

Anyone who buys a smartwatch this month needs to have their head examined.


The cylinders question seemed odd to me. I also think it should have asked if I need a coupe, sedan, crossover, etc.

Pay for drugs and send unsolicited nudes with the same app? I must be dreaming!

I'll put money on the majority of the 11 backers who put up 10K to own one are companies. Surely Mattel would think $10K is pretty cheap for how many steps they can skip now.

Axing the mini would give customers a damned good reason to take a second look at the Nexus 7. Personally, I don't want a phone as big as the 6+, and I don't want a tablet as big as the iPad Air. The mini suits my business and entertainment needs very well, and I can't be the only one.

Oh god, I just had a flashback to my first time pressing down a processor lock! I was positive I had both mashed the pins and cracked the motherboard. I could feel my heartbeat in my neck until the moment I test fired it and realized everything was fine.

The world needs a (revived) new mobile OS about as much as it needs a new smartwatch.

Good luck, LG.

YES! I love my Sansa Fuze! I have had it since 2008, and it still goes for weeks in between charges. The sound quality is incredible, and it's small enough to not be a bother in gym shorts.

I drop by on occasion, as you can see by how long it took me to see your reply.