t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

That's not going to happen. Not even a little bit.

Facebook: 1.06 Billion Monthly Active Users, 680 Million Mobile Users

I wish more companies would do this. I don't like the feeling of paying for smart features on every TV and Blu-Ray player I buy, when I already have a Roku to handle all of that.

Yikes. I sure hope that thing looks less 1993-cereal-box-prize in person.

Holy hell, I really expected the MPG to be significantly higher than the current Cruze 1.4T. That's...disappointing.

I really don't see this happening. GM wouldn't have just given the Camaro a facelift if they were planning to murder it with an unnecessary competitor in the same damn segment.

Chevrolet has a damn good lineup right now, and 7 cars (counting the upcoming SS) is plenty.


Well...shit. I didn't realize they had risen so sharply since I last looked into it. I would be $25,000 richer if I had jumped in. There was some small security scandal that happened around that time surrounding Bitcoin that made me back off.

That adds up to 4.5 cents per year, at it's current value. Fucking lame.

I believe the rise of drone aircraft and the near-extinction of manned space missions has something to do with this as well, if only a small part.

A completely untraceable murder weapon...which require me to purchase a murder weapon-shaped mold with a credit card, have delivered to my house, and store in my freezer?

"I'm no rocket scientist"

Kaiser is an experienced and learned artist, I recommend you take his word for it.

Why shouldn't it allow for return journeys? Would the shuttles crash land upon arrival on Mars?

Don't forget that their economy also relies upon forced labor camps — the victims of which are brought in three generations at a time and very rarely leave with a heartbeat.

They have declared an end to the ceasefire with our close ally, who we have sworn to protect. They have stated multiple times that they will use their nuclear weapon program to destroy our cities and those of our ally. They agreed to shut down these facilities in exchange for resources, and now they are reopening


Why is 'free' in quotations? That really was completely free, I put it on my work computer for slacking off purposes.