t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

What pain, exactly? I'm madly in love with a woman who tells me the same multiple times a day, in multiple ways.

Blah blah blah.

That's a damn good question. I tend to fall ass backwards into chance encounters, including my current girlfriend.

I think you should go find someone who smells nice to cry into your bag of candy with you.


Are you under the impression that DC is anywhere near LA?

Chevy is trying out a new turbo diesel in the Cruze this summer. If all goes well, a Camaro could follow some day.

I think you're on the wrong website. Ignorance and suspension of logic makes one stand out clearly around here.

I'm guessing you glossed over the Content ID portion of the article, or do not understand its capabilities.

This will end the issue I have with allowing my daughter to make her own purchasing decisions on her tablet, while not changing the way I make my own purchases. What's the problem again?

The fact that the handle is being exclusively used by people who have handled their junk and/or wiped their asses mere seconds prior, perhaps?

No nudges, no winks; just a cold, hard, open hand across my face.

7 of them are GIFs, knucklehead.

I'm sure he wasn't planning to live that way forever. He could have passed on the cartel and retired with hundreds of millions of dollars, and that motivation alone is believable enough for me.

It's the only one that I have found watchable, after the original.

I'm positive I would get smacked if I handed this to my girlfriend.

I really can't think of a single windows application I would want to run on my phone. I guess I'm not as masochistic as I thought.

Like I said, he is a clean freak. We were roommates for a short while and did not smoke in the house, yet he still carried on this routine. Actually, the air fresheners were never overpowering, his place has always just smelled clean and pleasant.

I have a friend who is a total clean freak, yet still smokes in his place. He ventilates the hell out of it, leaves fans going constantly, vacuums daily, uses passive air fresheners, candles, and febreeze in the air often. You would never guess it was a smoker's apartment, I guarantee you.

That wouldn't really make sense though. The man who named Vader is dead, and the mask was worn for very specific reasons. It would be a laughably bad idea for them to pass that particular torch, regardless of the explanation.