t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Not illegal, but it does cost like $1,200 per year for a full-auto permit, plus a several thousand dollar rifle. I'll keep my semi-auto, thank you.

It isn't possible to make the world 100% gun free. This is a fact.

Firearm effective range: As soon as an assailant sees the gun. The mere sight of a taser or mace isn't going to stop a maniac from assaulting their intended victim. A pistol, however, will make damn near every one of them stop dead in their tracks or turn and flee.

"Give up your guns, and make it at least a little harder for a maniac to go on a killing spree."

I got rid of all of my worldly possessions (sans clothes, books, and movies) and moved to Europe for a while last year. Upon my return, I needed to completely furnish my new apartment on the cheap. I knew I didn't want a bunch of used stuff from Craigslist (I've been down that road, and you end up with a house full

I'll bet that feature is activated by button pressing though. If a third-party screenshot app activates another way, I'll bet discreet screenshots are cake.

This...is actually a very good idea. Of course, it would only protect against iOS's built-in screenshot software. 3rd party software, activated by anything else but the hard-key combination, would be pretty much impossible to stay ahead of.

Old messages are completely out of sight, out of mind; this app is pointless, aside from novelty and false security.

I apparently didn't look hard enough. Thanks much.


It depends on the woman. I lived with a girl who had a Hitachi for the duration of our relationship and some time prior; she still managed to get off at least once every time we fooled around.

In addition to the answers already listed, a robot will not shy from gunfire, and is capable of following complex commands. If you need to get a load of ammo to another group during a shootout, good luck telling a derp-eyed mule to make a bee-line to Sgt. Mashmushay, unload, and then return to your side.

Or $100 used netbooks.

Prior belief in the theory be damned, this is fucking cool.

That's interesting, I hadn't even considered that. Is relative distance from the center of mass to the surface the only factor that causes this effect?

My thoughts as well. I would love to throw a fist full of bills at anyone who used that lovely form for a Roku 2 XS or next-gen (i.e. "good") Google TV. I even had a shelf in my entertainment center picked out just for that sexy bitch.

For $120, it may have been equipped with a system that allowed it to float (or gently glide, as a few R/C hovercars I had as a child 20 years ago did) or with RE magnets that allowed it to hover over a display platform.

None at all. I sprung for the XS with the motion controller, and it has worked flawlessly. I also use the Android app for typing (which, once again, affirms my choice to have a slide-out QWERTY keyboard — it's fantastic when searching for movies and such) and it all works wonderfully.

This is completely stupid, and here is why:

Roku 2 XS