t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Look at the specs. Those components cost pennies on the dollar for what they cost 20 years ago, and the machine has not changed.

What the hell does the Department of Energy have to do with space?

I was just discussing this perplexing TI ordeal a couple of weeks ago. As always, XKCD successfully condenses my entire argument to a few small boxes.

It is mentioned twice, but no word at all on it being removed from classification.

I think I've become jaded over the years from reading about these incredibly cool emerging technologies. My first thought was "Huh...I'll bet after today I never hear anything about this ever".

Right on, man.

The exact same picture, with a man as the subject, and the text "Do you prefer nice pecs or nice glutes on your man?" wouldn't have even been considered for removal. THAT, my dear Facebook, is the very definition of sexism.

2 hours ago...along with every post she has ever made, and every photo she has ever uploaded.

Fail. I've never seen a goatse with the camera up the guy's ass.

Contact lenses or GTFO, I would imagine.

That's what I was thinking as well.

I found it hilarious. I am an avid watcher of TED talks, and have managed social media marketing at three previous companies, so my results may have been atypical.

In addition to what everyone else has said, I find the weight of my ipad to be a bother when reading while lying down. Modern, dedicated e-readers are light as a feather.

I lost 100% of my interest in this project when Darren Aronofsky bailed.

It was included on 95 as well.

"Please enter some text"

This isn't really significant. I would be on this list if I knew about it, and I have not a shred of sympathy for the Taliban.


To be clear, I'm not blaming TI here; it's only good business to charge the maximum feasible amount for your product. I blame the institutions who insist upon placing "TI-XX" on the required materials list. There are, without a doubt, superior graphing calculators on the market by now with slimmer price tags,

Artificial, as in an obscenely high markup. If, for instance, you discovered it only costs TI $8 to manufacture your calculator, would you still feel great about that $100 purchase?