t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Oh, hello 1997!

I can't imagine being so worked up over an article of clothing. It must be exhausting to be you...or your relative.

It's my understanding that post mixing was extremely difficult before the 8 track era.

Practice, attention to detail, and patience. It's not very difficult to do, but it does take considerable skill to do well.

You know, being on Facebook doesn't require you to tell your friends where you are or what you're doing; you can put as much or as little of yourself on there as you want. I was a late adopter, not caring to understand what the big deal was until just a couple of years ago.

You're really gonna bitch about a 3% difference, when the article clearly said it wasn't exact?


It's not alphabetical, it's just one of the many European variations of the qwerty layout. That moved "M" key ALWAYS fucked me up on French keyboards, then I came back to the states and was throwing in random semicolons for a month.

What an awful analogy. The water going down the drain is as a result of my failure to put it into my glass; lost data packets are a result of a carrier's network coverage issues.

The title was blatant hyperbole. #fact

Drunken journalism?

I'm debating whether to buy a new phone (Droid 4; tactile keyboard is great for the long work emails I often have to send) or a new 40-50" LED TV. I generally opt out of the upgrade treadmill, preferring to buy products that aren't bleeding edge, then bringing them to the far side of their usefulness with software

Don't forget about the older generations as well, most of which can't be bothered to even try playing a console game. Look at Angry Birds download statistics; more people play games on their phones/tablets/ipods than any other platform.

Who needs the fancy electronic components?

It simply isn't possible yet to engineer a tiny robot that works this well in the conditions they are expecting it to. Also, battery life.

Oh, a celebrity worth tens of millions of dollars and no young children at home who want to play Angry Birds doesn't feel the need to put a case on his phone? I'm fucking shocked.

Because everyone on the internet is from the USA. Duh.

$1 a piece on ebay within 3 months, guaranteed.

I would also add that this IPO stunt put Facebook on many, many individual's stock tickers. Whenever it does eventually bottom out, the awareness will be so high that I can see it growing very well.

Yep, the USA isn't the beautiful and unique snowflake we were all raised to think of it as.