t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@Kirkaiya: There are currently 258,832 feature films listed on IMDb, and I doubt the existence of a more complete list.

@SkipErnst: Just because they have a few items made sometime in the past 100 years, it doesn't necessarily mean they have a neighborhood Walmart.

@Ding-Dang: EXACTLY! I thought the same thing. What a wasted opportunity.

@Relyt: Indubitably.

That image looks 'shopped to me.

@MifuneT: Fine photography two days in a row, in fact.

@tylerbrainerd: He has every right to be concerned, we are all trolls, and there is a conspiracy.

@tylerbrainerd: Going by the literary meaning of the word 'expletive', and not the popular, yet erroneous, use as a synonym for any vulgar word, the sentence should stand without it. It is added for hyperbole, rather than actually adding meaning to the sentence.

@JTWrenn: It was a legitimate question wrapped in a joke. How is someone stupid for not recognizing that object around Aaron's waist as a hand warmer? If Leonardo Da Vinci were shown that photograph, would he identify it as a hand warmer?

@JTWrenn: It was a legitimate question wrapped in a joke. How is someone stupid for not recognizing that object around Aaron's waist as a hand warmer? If Leonardo Da Vinci were shown that photograph, would he identify it as a hand warmer?

@3MC: This may surprise you, but the 50+ year old smokers that still choose to have their whole personal identity revolve around pot smoking were dumb to begin with. There are plenty of 30+ year smokers that don't smoke often enough to cause any noticeable effects. You know some of them, you just don't know about

@JTWrenn: Don't be so defensive, he just asked a simple question. You interpreting it as him "ragging" is your problem, not his.

@wizzard419: I'm sure she has. Otherwise, she would have to be severely mentally ill to come up with this product.

@out-phaze: But you can see the kill switch being used here specifically to quell organized assembly.

@Make.Sense: Kerosene is a petroleum product, so technically an oil lamp is already full of petrol.