t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Free broadband and phone service for everyone, and it is profitable for the owners of the networks?

Thank you Lord.

Maybe Sony Ericsson should sue the marketing team that created that bland, forgettable logo.

@Cattra: The pin does nothing more than hold the spoon in place, similar to how a fire extinguisher pin works. So long as you're holding down the spoon, you can insert and remove the pin as many times as you like. Once you release the spoon, however, the process is irreversible.

@Arcane: Even more practical- this could be used to solve the seemingly impossible Space Phone problem.

@BrooklynKnight: Zynga doesn't make video games, they make Pavlovian pellet-releasing buttons.

@Nateilage: You are misinformed, the point of he internet is to connect computers together. The lack of anonymity has been only thinly-veiled for quite some time now.

@mark.p0rter: It's not a real PSP, but it is something very new for phones at the same time. It isn't the buttons, it's that ugly ovular thing between them. It's a multi-touch pad that works like two analog sticks.

@XerxesQados: This PC version will probably be more expensive too, unless they plan on subsidizing the price with PC games made for it. Doubtful though, I think they're aiming for Minority Report GUI manipulation, not a Dance Central PC port.

WAVI Xtion? How the hell do you pronounce that?

@Gazoogleheimer: You forgot to factor in that they mass-mailed them without cross-referencing their customer list. My Mother was a subscriber for many years, and still received the discs regularly.

I actually have many fond memories of those "annoying" discs!

I voted photo in a photo in a photo, but I almost picked movie cosplay.

They must be the highest paid cooks on the planet to be willing to lay down their lives for their employer.

So they're not only going to fix that little "floating holograms don't exist yet" problem, but they're going to jam-pack this technology it into an unused corner of a cell phone and have it ready to sell in 4 years?

@Ham_Sandwich: HD-DVD died so hard it seems you've already forgotten the name of it.