t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@OMG! MSKati!: If it is exactly like you in every way, then it is you in every way but one.

@OMG! MSKati!: Well, if extending your life is the goal, I'd say you'd notice the difference.

@OMG! MSKati!: Copying your mind into a computer shouldn't be too difficult in coming decades, it's doing so while retaining your consciousness that I'm skeptical about.

@UofITom: I noticed that as well. He only seems to snap out of it once she starts rhythmically bobbing her head back and forth.

@NewSpecies: No, not even a 0.000000000000000000000001% chance.

No advertising on the site...it doesn't take a genius to figure out how the site owner gets paid.

@Xagest: Or plastic, plywood, matches, glue, antifreeze, glass, etc.

@collin482: I was actually thinking of making a graphic similar to C3PA's with Tor inserted.

@FriarNurgle: Where did you find a screenshot of my Mom's browser in the late 90's?

@nicholas1987ucsb: You're remembering incorrectly. I was 13 when I got a computer with ME, and very into video games as well. I used old games (some so old they were on 3.5" floppies) and brand new games.

So that will make him somewhere around 130 years old by the time the new trilogy is wrapped up.

@bowei437: It's the one that looks like a target...

I am too blown away by the news that the cassette Walkman wasn't discontinued years ago to be sad over it's death.

@TheCrudMan: I somehow doubt that I could get away with murder on that spot.

@Settings: The concept of 'normal' is equally imaginary.