Jesus Christ. One tiny upshot to this whole national embarrassment is that I now know, without a doubt, that I am not nearly as socially awkward and embarrassing as I thought I was.
Jesus Christ. One tiny upshot to this whole national embarrassment is that I now know, without a doubt, that I am not nearly as socially awkward and embarrassing as I thought I was.
There are way too many nails in the coffin. We’re up to wrapping chains around it. After that it’s welding. Jobs!
Bullshit, it was the same childish power play with Gorsuch. Did you see that shit?
Before I clicked on the video, I was crossing my fingers for full cosplay.
After hating the citizens of America due to the election results, it’s nice to have some pride due to things like this, the protesting and things like the town hall last night.
I know I’m old because all I can think when someone mentions Migos is how much I want migas. Delicious, delicious migas.
Use a false Social Security number to come to America and spend 20 years doing honest work and raising a family and we’ll exile you.
Mike Pence can go fuck himself. Ditto for all who endorsed her.
We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!
I’ve told this story here before but here goes. Ted Cruz is an utter dick in real life. We lived in the same area and shopped at the same Walgreens. He was with one of his daughters, who was dressed in p.j.’s and crying. He was yelling at her to hurry up. She tripped and fell and he left her behind to go to another…
You said they were “Identical Twins.”
I think I’m starting to get it. Donny isn’t really the problem; he’s merely the electable face of a program. Much like Dubya was the harmless idiot who was the electable face of a program of privatized war, Donny is the figurehead of a massive alt-right movement. It’s why the structure was put in place so quickly, and…
This isn’t incompetence. Trump may be an idiot, but his two Steves aren’t. They know exactly what they are doing. This big, flashy, apparently clumsy executive order was designed to create chaos and confusion and to elicit outrage and protest from their political opponents. Meanwhile, Trump’s inner circle of advisors…
Good Gravy. Where?!?!
Similarly , sites like this are really useful.
They put us to shame in that department. America was built on genocide and slavery. How many Americans do you think would acknowledge that?