I’m still giggling over #assholecare
I’m still giggling over #assholecare
Hmmmm. I wonder what the dynamics are. Did she not want him to run? Does she not want to be Second Lady? Is their marriage loveless?
this is a fear of mine, that we’re actually either going into a dictatorship with shitbag or we’re going to have to deal with dottering ‘uncle joe’ (barf)
I get physically uncomfortable when my fellow white people put on a fake blaccent lol. Like I can feel the embarrassment in my stomach even though I’m not the one making an ass of myself.
Gakwer? Where have you been Rip fuckin’ Van Winkle?
LOL @ the hair detail, off topic - I imagine it was just a bun and the reporter was reaching for a word that sounded European, to match her seeming Eastern European
Warning Shark
Oh but there was a much better answer later
So what? Maybe he likes his mom? Maybe she keeps him grounded. I truly think that people who haven’t lost a parent can’t understand how much that experience makes you value the one you have left.
Yup. Bernie or die, again, here at gawker dot com (or those assholes who voted for some protest candidate, or Fucking Jill Stein). Everybody else is a corporate shill or a tool of the oppressor or a DINO (which is super-ironic given that Bernie literally is a DINO as he refuses to belong to the party for anything…
Am I the only one that has no real problem with a candidate lacking policy specifics in April 2019?
Honestly, I can’t help but notice that you seem to have some really negative opinions formed about Buttigieg. It makes this analysis feel less like an actual examination of his branding, and more like just a snarky attempt at a take down piece. I mean this with respect, but it’s a little difficult to engage you as a…
hmm, thats kind of similar to mine, coming from a family th t struggled but never accepted assistance, you kind of get the “bootstrap” thing in your head, and i had made a decent if not great living the same way. but eventually things start contradicting your preconceptions and you start seeing how you had…
I didn’t know this about Warren, but it makes me like her even more. I am from Massachusetts and honestly didn’t really want her to run for President. I do really like her as my Senator, but I felt like she does an amazing job in the Senate and we need her there. But I’ve changed on this, and I’m glad she is in the…
But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!
It can be 4 hours between takes... you can’t spend 4 hours talking to Paul Hollywood.