Is that the new excuse for not going out on a date??
Is that the new excuse for not going out on a date??
If anyone was curious, Powervar purchased OneAC/Chloride. My work uses the unit listed as well as much larger (80 lbs towers) units in some of our retail locations. They work fairly well..
You are right on track Touchstone. Most consumer grade UPSs deliver an approximated sine wave. This is accomplished by the switching circuit producing a cyclical incremental then decremental output in a repeating pattern. Most modern power supplies will tolerate this, but only if they have sufficient harmonic noise…
VA ratings will only give you the load capacity. (Think how many horsepower a car's engine is rated for)
Considering how lousy US infrastructure is, your machine is frying as you post. The power back up/ shutdown is super important but power cleaning is a big deal too. Anything running UNIX has no tolerance for power fluctuations, and I mean ten volts. Apple, Linux, Android, Ubuntu, are all UNIX OS. It's amazing how much…
I think only two of these are pure sinewave: The APC Smart UPS and the Powervar. From what I understand, this could be an issue for some computers. I'm looking at Cyberpower's pure sinewave models which are barely more expensive. Considering my recent power issues that have caused computer issues, I'm thinking it…
Even though Powervar is unknown to retail purchasers, they have awesome gear and our server room has several Oneac units.