
I'm no expert either, but I reckon the Windsor family wealth has a hell of a lot to do with the wealth of Britain as a nation — the Queen is the largest landowner, etc. Even if he's skimming off a trust, that trust exists because he's a Royal, not because his grandad cornered the market in steel or whatever.

His security detail and travel are paid for privately? I didn't think he had a castle and social secretaries, etc. but that doesn't mean he isn't publicly funded at all. He parties like that in Vegas on a soldier's salary?

True, but if he were an international playboy partying on his private dime, no one would care. Having the British public pay for his shenanigans is pretty outrageous. A lot of public programs in Britain have had cuts and could really make use of the money that keeps Prince Harry safe and well-amused.

Not every time a flake of skin comes off your scalp is it a fungus. But that itchy, oily, nasty feeling... you need fungicide for that.

Chin up, honey. Being human is just gross. It just is. Rosacea, dandruff, diarrhea, staph infections, pimples, childbirth...being alive is nasty business whenever you stop to think about it.

But yeah, that's how come the active ingredient in dandruff shampoos are things like pyrithione — anti-fungals. Yummy.

Well, yay. That's bound to make people with rosacea feel fantastically desirable. I know I felt awesome when I found out that dandruff isn't having dry skin on your scalp but is, in fact, a fungus growing on your head.

When I was a teenager (in the 80s, I'm an Old) the prevailing attitude among my peers was like the one you're describing in France.

Being happy when your kid passes one of those milestones is like being happy (really! *sniff*) to see that your favorite ex has a nice girlfriend now. You want them to move on and be happy and simultaneously need your love and attention all the time. What could possibly drive you crazy about those feelings?

Dude, 14 year old girls aren't likely to be called Stephanie in 2012. That's obvs a Hannah or an Emma. :)

My kids HATE reward chart schemes. Hate them. It makes them stressed out and anxious about whether they'll do whatever it is well enough to put points on the board.

Corn is superior in the supermarket version. However, fresh flour tortillas still warm from the griddle are what angels eat.

In a lot of public schools where I live the terms "dance team" and "cheerleader" are the opposite of how you've used them. Cheerleaders, as the name implies, exist to support other sports. Dance teams compete on their own and don't cheer on the football, basketball, whatever teams.

I can tell similar stories between myself (working class) and my in-laws (upper middle class). My earning power/career punches well above its weight class and some of my in-laws, especially the women, are doing work that they are vastly overqualified for, when they work at all.

Seriously. Did I miss the press release where it was announced that the Olympics and Britain's Got Talent were the same thing?

I read "would it bother me to see one of my own daughters savagely attacking another woman on a judo mat for people's entertainment" as "I'm ashamed of my hard-on".

Maybe uber-Christians are too promiscuous to be allowed to marry. They're denigrating the whole institution for the rest of us.

She looks great. Her hair looks really healthy too - I'd love to know what kind of conditioners/moisturizers she used for that look.

The Champ Stamp is a thing that needs to happen. Even for non-Olympians...just take the best thing off of your resume and inscribe it over your butt.

Built like good, solid male swimmer and/or judo champion, I am. But my tits are nicer.