I'm having sympathy cleavage itching for her. The boob sweat - oy vey.
I think she's short?
I don't understand why LL thinks he needs forgiveness for wearing gold chains or a do rag.
'They're not racist on purpose! They're just racist because they're so dumb!' Oh...okay then, please enjoy your free pass.
"Accidentally racist" is a cute way of saying "ignorant".
OK, but men don't get the sexy pregnant lady months before the 'touchdown dance'. Sure, not everyone digs pregnant figures, but lots really do. Not every pregnant lady gets a juiced up libido or orgasmic ability, but some do. And there's all that oxycontin-like hormonal activity post-partum to keep you placated.
I think people who are impressed by the Courtney Love commercial expect far too little of Courtney Love.
Much as I hate to be that person (and as much as I admire Kerry Washington) that quote was an African proverb that Achebe cited, not something he said himself. I believe it was also notably quoted by Frederick Douglass
True, it's not nearly equivalent. Just pointing out that it isn't unheard of either. And I think popular culture getting more of an appetite for invading the privacy of men isn't a particularly good thing. Two wrongs not making a right etc etc.
It's tricky, though. I agree 100% when it comes to upskirts, long lens photography and cases where the subject has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
I agree that women, and female sexuality in particular, are ground up into so much dog food for all kinds of 'content generators' including supposedly intelligent news sources and it doesn't advance the conversation about women's humanity or autonomy.
I'm not sure I connect the dots between gawking at celebrity 'nip slips' and assaulting unconscious teenagers. (And, yes, Jon Hamm can tell you those cameras catch men sometimes too). It reminds me of 80s style anti-porn feminist discourse.
I came here to point out the same thing. It's not an excuse — her behavior is still hurtful, her opinions are still shitty — but it's an explanation.
I'm not one for shouting matches, especially with captive audiences, but when the guy yells "Jesus loves me!" I admit I teared up a little.
If she's in Switzerland, why is her post in English?
I don't see what being an atheist has to do with anything. And I've read plenty, thanks. I work with statistics and social science all day long.
I love creativity and humor! I'm just pragmatic, not a total killjoy!
I don't disrespect people who use religion as a framework for their philosophies of life or their ethics. But angel/devil/personal Jesus...yeah, I don't respect that.