I'm pretty sure they all knew it wasn't really him. These women just wanted attention and money.

I laughed so hard at your comment! Thanks for the laugh :]

AH! NIGHTMARES! Still funny, though (but scary!) :]

I LOVE THIS! Thanks for posting this :]

That is hilarious! My sister's students spell "pennies" like "penis." I feel bad every time I laugh, but it's too funny!

This picture is awesome! The dog is so adorable!!!!!

Cute doggie! And awesome! Futurama!

Your comment is the best thing I've read so far!

I was really hoping so, but I'm pretty sure she would have informed the cops that she said those things because she knew it was her aunt the entire time. This whole case is just sad.

Damn it, cassiebearRAWR! Stop making us laugh at inappropriate things!

Kid, seriously. You need intervention and monitoring. Go play outside or something. Make some friends. One of these days, someone's going to track you down and seriously hurt you. Some people on this site have the power to do so. You're embarrassing yourself.

That was everyone's reason!

I know I can't keep you from watching that dreadful movie :] The only decent thing I can say about the movie is ABS! SO MUCH ABS! So much abs that I felt really out of shape. Excuse me. Off to the gym!


Gosh, that was beautiful! *sniff*

Kid, the only psycho we all see is you. Cyber stalkers, such as yourself, are insane. What made you a troll? What type of abuse lead you to be that way? Kid, you need Jesus.

Some people I know laugh at that scene, so I guess him grinning isn't weird. I can see why people would laugh, but still. It's so sad! :[

The Lion King. I have no shame!