I hate that! I am seriously convinced most people do not want to watch a Hispanic character that is not a stereotype. I guess we're funny when we're illegal.
Just random characters they have. At most, these characters were on for 5 minutes. That show has never really featured a Hispanic character that plays a major role. Maybe they don't like us. I don't know.
About your boss- I think she should have given it a try. There's this one famous Hispanic judge, Judge Alex (?). He is not a stereotype. He speaks English very well and comes across as very educated. Maybe he fought for a non-stereotypical image?
They've had minor Hispanic characters before (they had like at most 5 minutes of screen-time). They were stereotypes (hello, East L.A.). Other than that, the show is pretty awesome at writing wonderful characters.
I'm not surprised. Glee mostly stereotypes its characters.
Ugh! I meant "That's the other show." Stupid brain.
Yes! That's the other show I. I just couldn't remember the name (damn lack of sleep!). I was pleasantly surprised. It'd be nice of Big Bang Theory and New Girl would take a hint. I love those two shows, but the writers cannot write a non-stereotypical Hispanic character.
I'll check this movie out. This sounds really interesting.
This new Kinja is kind of awful! I installed the Go Classic! add-on (it lets the system go back to the old format). It worked well a few days ago. Now it doesn't. All I see is this new system. It sucks :[
Regarding your first paragraph, I completely understand! I was in tears reading it (I'm weird like that). Like you, she was the only Disney character that came close to resembling me. That's why she's my favorite character!
I find it strange that they're not Arab, yeah. Agree.
I always thought it was modeled after Saudi Arabia.
That's what I was thinking. You raise an excellent point. It's fine to get upset. I just thought the article had some facts wrong. Thanks for your reply! It's very insightful.
Oh, wow! I can't imagine going through that. I hope those people recover. That's just sad :[
Are the facts wrong or something? I'm really interested in what you have to say.
I hope he's OK now!