It's probably just another high school kid with nothing better to do. It's cool. I don't take trolls seriously. I find their comments rather humorous.
Oh, no! My stupid 'Murrican brain didn't get that :[
I would like to believe the OP meant I took it personally. If I am correct, then that's just mean.
You make great points! I've always known this type of thing exists, but didn't know to what extent. Hopefully, things will change. I'm thinking the young generation will do something about it. They know what needs to be done.
OK, fat rednecks.
Have a talk with him. Hopefully, you won't have to let the bathroom get really dirty if he doesn't get the hint the first time.
My apologies. Your comment read as if you think we're all rednecks.
He put that lady in her place! Your friend is awesome. I think he should know that.
Don't let the actions of a few assholes dictate your beliefs. Most of us are just upset as you are.
This doesn't only happen in the US.
I agree with you! In some schools here in Texas (I know!), world religion courses are mandatory. Because of those classes, I become interested in religions. It's just really disappointing how ignorant some people are.
Yeah, this really needs to end. Poor kids (and adults, of course)! The amount of ignorance that some people possess is ridiculous and sad. At this point, this stuff just makes me sad.
In your opinion, what should be done? The only thing I can think of is education.
I actually feel really bad for feeling that way, too. I feel like I'm just like them. That's not a great feeling.
Is there proof of this? Just what? I must know. Maybe they did this for money? So many questions!
It's not that simple. I do understand your frustration, of course. It's the lack of education that keeps this in place.
This is very well-written. I had no idea this even existed. I feel for them! I hope things do change one day.
Thank you so much!!!!