For reference:
For reference:
Where the fuck is Embiid? This is fuckin’ bogus.
Whatever PROCESS they used to select the teams is a bad PROCESS and we should really see a new PROCESS.
“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”
This may be the most rational thing I’ve ever heard from a Pats fan.
Don’t be bingin’. Watch that week to week. It’s more fun to talk with other people about shows when you keep up than to say, “Hey, you know 8 weeks ago you wanted to talk about that part of that show? I’m there now because I waited until the episodes were all done.”
Like all HBO shows. And NO don’t make them binge-able. Let the people make the shows they want to make how they want to make them. I love shows that take time and make you invest in them.
I’d rather see this as the eventual outcome
What’s sad is that they could have brought the entire heart of the Pokemon franchise to mobile and essentially made the game (minus a detailed storyline) to the real world, but instead they just made it a minigame grind.
Indiana Jones 9: The Old Person Home of DOOM
Will he teach them how to produce the blue “power” crystals?
“Act like you’ve been there before”
I’m calling it now. Sansa is pregnant with Ramsay Bolton’s child. Most likely a boy. Just look at the scene where Sansa confronts Little Finger, and tells him she still feels the pain of her encounters with Ramsay. Then their is the final scene where Ramsey says, I’ll always be a part of you.
will be more similar to what you’ve experienced in the first three seasons of Arrow or the first two seasons of Flash, where it’s more of a slow reveal and a little bit of a mystery
Can both armies meet at The Neck where Walder Frey is first killed and raised by White Walkers before being burned to death in dragon fire (with Jon riding the dragon doing the burning)?
Show of hands, who read that as eats his own shit at a first glance?
So, regarding Lady Stoneheart...
Bullshit. If the Ministry of Magic covered all the costs then Harry would not have needed to buy his books with his parents money.