
bet execs are taking pay cuts, and the company decided against a dividend...right?  Thats how it goes, shitty results are paid for by management and ownership right?

But but but the starcitzen YouTubers say it’s the best thing ever and all this stuff is definitely definitely happening, and "soon". and only show perfectly working clips of the game while ignoring the hours and hours it took to even get a half way decent one. :)) and don’t forget, “starcitizen crushes starfield!”

Go buy some more NFTs my guy.

Perhaps the most ridiculous part isn’t the prices, but that after all this money and all this time, they still haven’t lived up to their original promises. Something that was supposed to happen in 2015.

I mean...you saw how he doubled down on NFTs after the bottom dropped out.

Yoshida is basically running his division like a separate company these days and trying to ignore everything Kiryu says.

Honestly had no clue personally. Not that I’m actively filtering for dog whistles in my day-to-day, cause they’re apparently everywhere.

Hell I’m still mad that they co-opted the ‘okay’ hand gesture.

I think it’s a very reasonable position. It didn’t occur to me until someone else at Kotaku pointed it out ahead of publication. My default, having been a kid in the 80s, is that 88 means 1988. I think you could stop 50 people in the street and not one of them would know the number had any association with anything

Man, Final Fantasy XIV really is the only thing keeping that company in the black, isnt it?

Come on, dude. There are millions of people enjoying Starfield. People with positive opinions (of anything) are not compelled to write reviews and or answer targeted polls.

Appropriately, Lake Mega-Chad is, like, totally shallow.

Mentioning the Aral Sea.  The fucking Soviet incompetents killed it.  There is no Aral Sea anymore.  The stupid fuckers.

I don’t think anyone “admires” a corporation, but do go off Bobby.

Sunk cost fallacy. WB committed too much to the Snyder Cut not to let him actually do it....and now Netflix has their contract with him that he’s gonna fulfil.

Exactly my thought. That last scene where everyone’s wearing a pop culture skin is exactly what Fortnite has been building for years. 

The venn diagram of Fortnite players and Zack Snyder fans has to be as close to a perfect circle as you can get.

Um...I don’t know how to tell you this, but this IS the porn.

Probably the best bits SNL does these days.