
Id be happy in Andromeda as long as the QA team gets more then a week to go thru it. And I didnt have to wipe out 20% of all humans in the galaxy again (a beef I had when there was only 10k there, and I killed 2000 human bandits). 

Yeah, I’m perfectly cool with Andromeda as a setting, but with more of the stylings of ME2, and the impactful decisions you can have within that game or those found on Rannoch or Tuchanka in ME3.

I’d be okay in Andromeda as long as it’s within a better game. 

I mean, if you really wanted to justify Shepherd existing in some sense six centuries later, there’s the fact that Shepherd already died once and she was retrofitted with considerable cybernetics to bring her back. Plus, in 2/3 of the viable endings she merges, in a sense, with the God-Computer.

Andreessen recently published a manifesto about his vision for the future. I don’t know about you, but these days, when I see the word “manifesto,” I immediately think of news stories that begin with, “Neighbors described him as a strange, quiet man, and had often expressed concerns about him” and end with, “Before

Tech bros: Planned cities are fan-fucking-tastic! Planned economies? Oh, fuck that shit!

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There it stood, a libertarian city
I heard the mission (statement) bell
And I was thinking to myself

Please, these clownfuckers couldn’t get their shit together to build a two-storey condo.

It’s almost as if having easy access to venture capital doesn’t mean you’re a genius or know anything about how the world works.

Flippers don’t guns. Only guns kill flippers.


Now do guns

Her dying words are “its pronounced Cait Sith” - using the correct gaelic name and not whatever the fuck square have said is true.

The surprise: this time it’s happening exactly the same.

So you can donate to both, right? Because Palestinians are just as much people as Hamas’ victims. Right? That’s why you’re asking?

Plenty, maybe do a quick google search and go donate instead of making dumb comments

This gets to an interesting thing that happens where I LOVE that these things can happen for the same reason the end of this article talks about it being awesome, but I absolutely LOATHE playing with people in BG3 after these things happen.


read: We want to avoid a situation like Fall Guys and boost our margins to make Epic happy, so we’re eliminating the secondary market so that we can make direct profit off those cosmetic sales.

It’s really going to stifle any experimenting. Before you would win races buy cars and buy parts to upgrade said cars. It’s been this way since the beginning of Forza. Want to buy a E or D class car and spec it up to a class B or A? You could spend your well earned dollars and build the car and then tinker with