
Worked QA on this for a while last year. The term “CarPG” was thrown around a few times, but it hadn’t been implemented yet so I never saw it. The idea was that you would find that dream car and just level that car up and play it frequently, if not exclusively. Think of it as playing a MMO and having multiple

It’s in the vain of Mortal Kombat leveling up where you have to level up each character individually and that will take damn near forever.

Or what if Translocating has a resource pool. The farther you jump. The more you need to recharge, and that can only be done with hacks. Kinda makes it so if you want to escape often, you need to engage often as well. 

All of this leads to her one new ability called Virus, which is a skill shot move that damages enemies over time. If you’ve already landed a hack or EMP on an enemy, the Virus will do more damage.

Remember that these are not people for these corporate suits, but “human resources”…

They couldn’t have found a less insulting term than “redundancy” to refer to people losing their jobs?


That’s because Overwatch 2 isn’t Overwatch.

This one is simpler than that.  Musk was spouting a bunch of bullshit the other day.  He himself got fact-checked by this system.  His fragile ego couldn’t allow that, so here we are.

This article summarizes the things that service providers have been up to since the ruling and provides links to more in-depth info:

“Larian planned for that” is the new “Simpsons did it.”

Though for added artistic flair, I was going to give my character 20 strength and use theChest of the Mundane’ to store the bodies of all my victims as cutlery.

NFTs are just meant to be receipts to prove transactions occurred as a way to prevent fraud on the blockchain

I’m actually happy about this. Better than Disney gobbling it up (I know their relationship has somewhat soured, but I definitely could have seen Disney outright purchasing it)

Players missing a two hour segment of the game? As a DM, this sounds about right.

Trump voters

A good and expected result.  Now can we never talk about them again?

Thank you. The article didn’t really explain it.

If I were to guess, I suspect that the authorities have reason to believe that the re-entry system isn't up to the task of slowing the pod down for a safe landing.  Mostly based on the "risk and impact analysis" wording