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    Go fuck yourself Kotick, and jump off a cliff.

    They already had one. It was called Ready Player One and it was awful.

    Execs are stupid as bags of rocks, and his only skill is knowing how to butter them up to give him the jobs. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the populace knows hes a complete hack.

    The guy is an absolute hack.

    Gotta get that fucking next ad in.

    I mean, I would hope the ones who ran the video game wing of a company plays their own products. Would be pretty bad if they didn’t.

    Should have just kept it going as a smaller scale event. It didn’t need to be this massive showcase. 

    I would love to get myself a new car, but prices are far, far too high. Even with a lease. Way too high.

    If you get dunked on by Arthur Morgan, you gotta rethink some things.

    It was a necessary evil for such a fantastic Patton Oswalt bit

    I thought this was a “Worst Songs” list?

    Ah my mistake. Could have sworn it was early 2023. My bad.

    It’s where the money comes in, and with no E3, I’m sure people threw a bunch at him to make it about product over awards.

    With what happened with Redfall, I’m uneasy.

    They gave what the gamers wanted; Bear Sex

    The fact that Larian won so many awards for BG3 was nice to see.

    Trombone Hero got screwed out of a nomination for GOTY!

    They better have some Offspring in that Crazy Taxi soundtrack.


    I’m honestly surprised more of those chuckleheads aren’t whining on social media to try and extend their 15 seconds of fame for being referenced.