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    Reaction videos for a damn trailer are kinda dumb, and so is throwing copyright strikes out like candy on Halloween.

    Part of the reason people kept playing Skyrim was because it could be run on a damn potato, and kept getting released on new systems (and was constantly on sale). Starfield requires a lot more power than that otherwise it crashes, and I’ve seen it on sale a total of once, for a whole $10 off.

    If they had a reason to. Those mediums came about due to media companies trying to cut costs, and each form of physical media had larger capacity for storage. Things shifts when said forms became cheaper to produce, and thus became the main method or distribution.

    Oh look, the main thing that people have been saying as to why you should always aim for physical media over streaming. The thing these companies have said “Oh no, we wouldn’t do that!” about.

    Less cheating probably tops the list for me.

    That sounds about par for course for Walmart, sadly.

    Barrett is going to be the beach bod babe. Calling it now.

    Already sold out on Amazon. Walmart still has it at $350 as of this comment.

    I feel with enough ingenuity, the answer can be both.

    You simply cast “Fly” on them, as a Barbarian.

    One of the best game series out there.

    Yea, though thankfully the body types were unique enough that you could tell by just the silhouette, even with the silly hats, costumes, and weapon changes. Big guy = Heavy, short and turtley = Pyro, Tall and slender = Sniper, etc.

    I dig the color scheme on the stuff, but this really isn’t much of a “Starter Pack”...

    Because the game at one point was very fun.

    It’s just stripping away little things. Little here, little there, and before you know it, it’s requiring minimal effort while still charging full prices.

    I just figured, like with most games, when new ones come out many people go give them a try and potentially come back later.

    Please no more Among Us. Now THAT is a series that’s already god damn everywhere.

    Say what you want, the Payday 2 John Wick skin was an immediate purchase and I still use it as my main.

    I think this is going to be a crash an burn for most resellers.”

    Good. Fuck those scalping jackasses.

    I personally liked how Sony did the PS5s for a bit. Theres a link to a countdown site, and everyone that was currently on it when it hit 0 was given a spot in a virtual queue. Sure, it doesn’t stop every bot or scammer, but it does give actual people a fair (albeit random) chance.