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    Brain worms? No. Just fucking unadulterated corporate greed from Kotick and his ilk.

    They god damn serious?

    This should be put into the game as intentional!

    Save early, save often.

    Sell your skin as an NFT!

    “Think of it as playing a MMO and having multiple characters. Would you want a new character to have all the same stuff you unlocked for your main?”


    Ain’t a fan of having the customization locked behind the amount you play a car. Gonna make leveling up online really frustrating.

    I don’t mind Stealth being passive, but that translocator change is garbage.

    While it is certainly a cool skin, Moira has a lot of really awesome ones. Like, legitimately she’s one of the highest in terms of multiple awesome skins for a character.

    This was one of the few good things left about Overwatch.

    I don’t blame the devs. I blame Kotick and the board of investors and the “arrow must always go up” mentality.

    Probably plays games during downtime at the courthouse. I know a bunch of lawyers who do that when they got a couple hours in between cases and dont want to drive back to their office only to immediately drive back to the courthouse.

    It was really only known in the film community.

    Seriously. “Redundancy consultation process” is the type of language that just fucking reeks of “We are firing you and using any saved money on this sleazeball grifter firm that we brought in to give us a reason to fire you”.

    Scalpers need to get scalped. Like literally. With a hatchet.

    The free speech absolutist only supports free speech when its positive about him and his buddies/financiers 

    Well, when the vast majority of misinformation comes from his far-right buddies and friends... is anyone surprised at this point?

    Yeah no surprise there.

    Internet speeds for a lot of people got throttled if they didn’t pay absurd premiums.