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    No, hes the rich shitbag.

    The rich puddle is a lot better for the world.

    Never a fan of the “stop having fun” patches that fix silly stuff like this.

    Its a single player game. Let them enjoy the sandbox!

    The delivery of those lines is so fantastic I was giggling the whole time.

    Just used the “Reveal Plot Twist” spell you unlock at level 13.

    I’m so hoping for Cid to show up and be playable...

    “So I gotta kill Astarion, stuff him in a jar, jam it into the ass of the shapeshifted Ox, and then kill the Ox and stuff them into a different jar, then throw it into the bottomless pit into the Underdark after killing the spider miniboss... climb down the ladder and then recite the “I’m Sorry” song from Calvin &

    “Aaaaaaand its gone.”

    Didn’t a few of his cult make a bunch of these for 45 that some people actually gave them money for?

    Even then. Usually don’t see new games get that much of a discount unless it’s a part of some massive package deal. This is just straight up $30 off.

    Eh, it should let you at least change your body type from A to B or whatever as long as it stays within the race.

    There are probably funds set aside for things like this.

    Isolation training and a lot of psych evaluations go into it. The people that go up there are a certain type of badass mentally.

    Grandma’s shopping channel needs to entice the new generation somehow I suppose.

    I mean, $30 for a just released game is probably better than anything you’ll find on those before next year

    Why do I feel that this had been mentioned a while back?

    Basically yeah. Sorta like calling him Elmo, but that’s an insult to the puppet.

    Saw this one coming a mile away. Same deal whenever a game thats optimized for the processing power of the PS5 and XBoxSeX being also released on the switch.

    Instead of one lump sum of BS, they will inject their BS in smaller, less noticeable amounts over time.

    “But they don’t understand our business GENIUS!”

    These guys are straight up Elmu levels of jackass.

    Ah there it is.