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    It’s probably fun the first few times before the novelty wears off.

    I actually found the game quite enjoyable, and many of the characters fleshed out well. Only complaint was how it set a bunch up only for them to get killed off almost immediately. Otherwise it’s definitely deserving of a high rating.

    Link is more of a side hustle.

    Why does reading “Farming as a Service Model” make me really want to punch that fucker in the face?

    So this happens right after the FTC announcement.

    Like with most things, the new shine wore off quickly, and people are engaging with it at a normal pace now.

    I just want to fight more with Lord Byron, my boy!

    You can still swordfight without being force sensitive.

    A team of half good half awful players are still gonna get curbstomped by a team of 5 sweatys, so that headline is very misleading if there is any thought of having fun when dragging your friends into ranked. There’s a reason many avoid ranked play like the damn plague given how atrocious matchmaking and opponent

    Mystic Quest?

    He probably is a bottom.

    20+ years of experience making her overqualified?

    Getting some Giffnay vibes here.

    Future Kotick, is that you?

    Ah the constant delaying. “Dont worry! We will totally have story mode for realsises this time in 2024!”

    “What the hell happened?!”

    A true member of the Fellowship!

    A real fan would take the card and cast it into the fire.

    Disney tends to not half-ass things when it comes to park attractions. Usually.

    Nintendo would have thrown a ton of lawsuits on that one and made that one cost way more than it rightfully should in legal fees.