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    It’s as if the screams of millions of fanshippers have all cried out in rage, and were suddenly silenced.

    Personally, I can’t stand the full toon cel shading style, so Wind Waker is down low aesthetically for me. Twilight Princess and the Ocarina/Majoras N64 style are up way higher.

    Crushed? No.

    Garuda’s grab ability is one that should be included too, as it can yoink enemies over to you to pummel. Especially useful when you are surrounded by enemies and theres a healer or a mage being annoying outside the scrum. Bring them into the fun and lay into those buggers.

    Played the demo and thoroughly enjoyed it. Honestly the only real complaint from me is that it’s not turn based, but what it does have is very smooth and it’s integrated well, and I can understand my issue is personal preference over objective complaints (IMO FF defined turn based gameplay and stood out because of it

    That frustrated me so much

    I am very hyped for this.

    Nice Jay and Silent Bob reference

    Mega Man X Dive Complete Edition Neo XL Turbo Special Strive Mk.2 w/ New Funky Mode”

    I’ve enjoyed Exoprimal in the betas... I really hope it doesn’t end up sucking on release.

    Holidays gonna basically be all the games people passed on from October.

    That Avatar thing always felt like it was crazy hyped with critics constantly saying “This is such a masterpiece” when any non-critic was like “meh” on that whole thing.

    The Crew moving from covering the whole US to... just Hawai’i.

    To be fair, the MK9 design was good.

    I’m hyped.

    Of course they do.


    Does it come close to the caliber of Soul Calibur create a fighter?

    *Dreams of a Red Dead Online update*

    Replace Moogles with Tonberries and you got yourself an Adults Only rating just from the sheer gore alone.