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    Pull manga, but not the fucking guns.

    Huh. How bout that.

    Yea. It was a reiteration.

    Indeed. That’s a more accurate way of describing it.

    Could be worse. They could be tickets to the original Mario movie.

    So they joined an inactive guild and gained control due to their inactivity, and followed it up by claiming the guild bank?

    That’s a fantastic analogy.

    Yea. 1080 has had a fantastic life, but it is finally reaching it’s breaking point.

    Sales will tank and they will blame everything but themselves and their gouging prices, and learn absolutely nothing as people will end up being forced to buy one if they want to play anything that isn’t sprite-based.


    According to only you, cause noone went to see this movie just for Pratt. So yea, don’t even try to pull that nonsense.

    All of this could have been avoided with Martinet.

    Rey’s New Groove.

    Can’t wait to see how they somehow shoehorn palpatine into this one.

    Given the last time they made a mario movie, I honestly expected them to play it as safe as they possibly could. And honestly, I enjoyed the movie. Yea plot was about as paper thin as you could get, but given the studio I didn’t expect much in that area, so went in expecting that and a metric ton of references, which

    Sounds like someone likes the cops.

    Fun fact, Moira’s Scientist skin also shows off the gold.

    I just want them to face off against Wario and Waluigi.

    Guy is a typical internet shitheel. Should have been decked a long time ago, but I don’t think he should have been shot.

    Scalpers and shitheels are the terms you are looking for