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    There was no way in hell Nintendo would sign off on this if it were anywhere close to that movie. While it has certainly developed a cult following, myself included as I absolutely love it because it’s such a so bad its hilarious shitshow, they were taking no chances. 

    It was pretty much expected to be a kids movie the moment we heard who was making it and not geared for longtime fans. Basically more for the kids of said longtime fans, with the music and random references stuffed in for those parents.

    Unfortunate. The show was actually pretty decent. Only real flaw was how slow the plot was in the first few episodes.

    Usually if someone is yelling that a game is too woke, then they really are just outing themselves as dumb bawbags at this point.



    Going to be a lot tougher with that redistricting he did to ensure the Rs stay in power for quite some time. And a lot of the latino population there outside of Miami and Orlando vote R, so the main reason is was a swing state really swings red right now.

    It is flat out W was the worst president of many peoples time... and then Cult 45 waddled in. Not many like W, but can accept that he wasn’t as bad as that angry orange in comparison.

    A flaming bag of shit isn’t as bad as a flaming dumpster of shit. They are still both shit, one is notably worse.

    Sadly, there are many more like that shithead Desantis, especially in Florida. They gave him a supermajority after all.

    Same way people feel nostalgia about anime conventions.

    It’s never, ever, EVER their fault, according to the ones absolutely at fault.

    Now playing

    Speakers Network also has a decent rundown of the fall and rise of FF14. Should check it out too.

    I’m still amazed people are still using that site and haven’t moved to Mastodon or something else.

    Guess they got tired of getting booed for their latest pile of DRM-filled crap, so they are going to have their own show to create their own narratives.

    That was absolutely one of my favorite scenes, and I want to give the film crew and cast involved an award just for that one.

    It certainly sets a spot where they could go either way for sure.

    Now that experience would be enough to send someone’s soul flying out of their body for a bit.

    This was such a needed thing to happen. I know a lot of people were affected by the floods, but this was absolutely needed.

    For some reason I remember the director saying there was going to be a #5.

    Question is, would it be a good idea to put money into ActBliz? Or will the value completely tank in a couple months?