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    Yea. That’s how PR works.

    Well yeah, thats exactly why they bought everything out to control as many devs as possible.

    If that’s the case, so does most of their world.

    We have gone from Red XIII to Blue XVI

    I’ve always thought Max was adopted.

    It is, but this is one of the few times where it’s like “Jesus christ... you couldn’t make this guy more stereotypical if you tried.”

    Sometimes... there are cases where the criminal looks exactly as expected, as well as being in the expected living situation, being arrested in the exact expected outfit..

    RIP :(

    Why is this beer can sticky?

    It’s basically companies are just gonna keep doing blatantly evil shit and work the courts to make that shit legal.

    Or, realize that while sarcasm is usually able to be picked up via tone of voice when spoken, it’s not as apparent through text and may require some clarification, instead of immediately jumping to “Note to self: Avoid sarcasm, because god damn fuck this country”.

    So, I guess it’s safe to say Twitch will actively get worse with nobody there who could hold off all the horrible ideas Amazon has.

    The fact that ghoul is using the term “egame” just confirms whatever crap they will release will be completely awful.


    The excuse my friend gives is “It takes a long time to make a game!”

    As long as it isn’t Zack Fucking Snyder...

    The country is invading and blanketing them with missiles, and they think hacking and threatening is going to make them look like the good guys?

    I want to get off The Universe’s Wild Ride.

    Which is why I got no problem with making changes to destroy that monopoly so that nothing is “intentionally choosing to lose”.

    This is the quality content I want to see.