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    I always go to Microcenter for my comp stuff over buying off of Amazon or any other online retailer.

    That’s probably the best piece of movie advertising I’ve seen in a very long time.

    Of course. His business card says GENIUS after all.

    Exactly how he wants it.

    Jackass is the epitome of some manager saying “Do my idea” without any additional input then taking credit for anything that comes out of it.

    Cancel culture cancel culture cancelllll culturrreeeeeeeee.”

    Followed by a spew of crap and vitriol extolling his latest attempt at stock manipulation and his cult following praising everything he does.

    Probably a certain spray-tanned orange clown did previously.

    Another reason to make the move to OpenOffice.

    I was a Sniper at cons for a bit too.

    TF2 was one of the first to do pay to open lootboxes though, and pretty much was the precursor to the nightmares we see today.

    The one who wrote the comics left or got axed a little while back, not sure which. Either way, they aren’t there anymore.

    Being able to hide it behind humorous posts is an amazing thing.

    This is Kotick we are talking about here. That company gets a new sexual harassment suit against them or another revelation about his good ol boys club there from the past 20 years almost every month

    Can’t wait to not get updates on things I’m actually looking forward to, and instead get treated to an announcement of Pikmin Warriors or Rabbids x DK...

    The move speed is fine, but that heal nerf is really awful. Her whole strength is that shes a single target healer that requires her to focus a single target to be effective. Taking that away makes her pointless to use compared to characters like Lucio, or Moira, or even Anna.

    So, whats the over/under for number of days before the C&D letter now that this has been posted here?

    And this is one of the reasons I really hate companies like Microsoft and Sony gobbling up every smaller dev, because now that they wont be there, all those devs now wont be there.

    Oh my god that clip was amazing.

    Can we just stop with the 1v100 fortnite shit?

    They do, and there is the occasional masterpiece, but to expect that every time isn’t feasible. Just look at how many Cars and Cars spinoff things there are. Execs are all about playing it hyper-safe and appealing to what they can market from it, and combine it with the absurd number of parental groups out there who

    At least his normal voice is appropriate for the nervous wreck of Luigi.