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    That’s fucking horrifying.

    The movie is being made for kids. I’m not going into it expecting too much in terms of a riveting plotline or a critically acclaimed masterpiece.

    My biggest hope was to see Jack Black hamming it up, and it’s looking like I’ll get that at the very least.

    Just wish that some of the other main VAs (Pratt/Rogan) wouldn’t ph

    Sadly, not too surprising.

    Precisely. Some of these people are the epitome of the “Ok Boomer” pile of dumbasses who fall right to the “get a real job” comeback excuse. They are making legit money, and a lot of it requires some real effort to constantly have to produce content. Yea, there are some absolute smug shithead influencers out there who

    So... picking the one or two specific combinations that would support their absurd theory and blanket it as “EVs are more expensive than gas now”. Gotcha.

    I love random factoids like this.

    I hate comp modes in games. Having one at work is a nightmare.

    It’s like most people dont want to pay the cost of a car ad infinitum and are realizing that being in eternal debt sucks.

    Where’s that “I’m sorry” clip from South Park...

    Why do I feel that a bunch of confused grandparents will end up getting this “Gamestation” for their grandkids as gifts

    And yet, youtube will still show ads on the demonetized videos. They just keep all revenue.

    I actually really love this skin design. Just lower the sound effect part of it.

    Aside from the random spontaneous combustion from the battery, I guess.

    The HiLux, the Nokia Phone of Toyota cars.

    Well, gotta file this one in my “No fucking shit” folder.

    Larry would not besmirch women like that.

    Larry is Love.

    This is the only true option.

    Can we tape him to the rock and fire it into the sun?

    Nah, this would require some semblance of doing any work.