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    The party doesn’t begin until Snoop Dogg appears.

    There’s a new hat into the ring as well that would bring all of this full circle: Tom.

    Groucho Musk

    They pop in an insanely grindy nature of the game and an absurd battle pass, and then can the game because they weren’t getting enough players sticking around?

    This is exactly why I haven’t bought it yet. My OCD won’t let me.

    It’s quality has certainly improved a lot over time, and I’m looking forward to seeing it get even better in the future. 

    Probably games. Which is fine. Game-wise it’s an enjoyable device and can certainly get some fun out of it. What Zuck wants, and had been pushing it for, however is to make it a mainstay for business activities like meetings and online storefronts. Which isn’t practical, and won’t catch on anywhere close to his

    It’s not a horrible concept, just not practical at all at this point. Not many can justify dropping hundreds of dollars on a VR set that only one person can use at a time to do many of the things in said verse that is available for much cheaper on your computer or otherwise with a webcam and Zoom or Teams.

    *Looks at the main slice of the Fortnite userbase of loud swearing 10 year olds*

    With all these “polls” to decide things for Elmu, should we just do a Twitch Plays Twitter at this point?

    Honestly this new layout feels far more like a step backwards. It reminds me of something akin to a geocities page

    People love to bring in pocket multitools I’ve learned.

    “consider the more user friendly Switch experience”

    Best thing I heard about Postal 4:

    Gardevoir could also be useful if you cant get the other two going. Psychic/Fairy. 

    It’s the combo of the lag and the far too fast timer that make these raids nightmares. The timer penalty for deaths is far too high given how it occasionally takes forever for a move to go off and how players can seemingly get hit multiple times before you can even do something. I understand they need some sort of

    This gives me flashbacks to the Microsoft antitrust lawsuits of the 90s.

    Turns out the guy is an anti-semite and pulled out a dogwhistle.

    Ramada Inn is strong, but there are a number of counters. His weakness is timing. The shield is strong, but stationary and with a crazy long cooldown. Junkrat lobbing stuff over it works wonders. When the sheild is down, focus his ass down, and if hes getting pocketed by all the heals to keep him up, well that’s two