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    Seriously... the new character should flat out be the first thing unlocked, with all the cosmetics and bells and whistles should be as it goes along.

    Or, make the character flat out be free and do cosmetics for everything else in the pass.

    Very true. It was still a cess pool, but things HAD been notably improving.

    Someone watched Donald in Mathamagic Land

    Kabal: *Runs off*
    Ermac: “I knew this would happen”
    Kano: “Strewth!”

    Or, people dont have a massive amount of time to grind things out like a job because they already have a job. Nothing wrong with throwing some nice stuff around early instead of being stuck in the land of crap for an extended time.

    The FF14 Limsa comment made me snort laugh.

    Yea, this is a bit different, with even less time to fix than the Sonic movie.

    Emmet was basically Pratt in an animated form, a character designed for the VA, so his voice worked as that character.

    Mario... isn’t. And it feels that he doesn’t have the range needed for the character. This is basically Chris Pratt being just... Chris Pratt, and that’s not a good thing when the character is Mario.

    In a lot of the later games, she’s been depicted as one who can generally handle herself. Maybe not as much as Daisy, but it’s certainly there.

    Easier said than done, especially with a rando team, whose dps tend to always be the opposite of what’s actually needed.

    Super Show had it in the title scene. They plunging a bathtub, get sucked in, and boom. Mushroom Kingdom.

    Probably something along those lines.

    Dunno... Have you played Mario Kart 8? Seems pretty accurate with the bazillions of vehicles.

    Said it before, the animation team looks to have done an absolutely phenomenal job, and they really put in a lot of the Mario universe into this, which is great, but Pratt just really seems to have phoned it in on the voice. Even Charlie Day put in some emotion. Pratt is just blah blah Pratt... and that’s

    I’m fully thinking it’s NYC over NDC, just from the design alone. They are canonically from Brooklyn. Also big giveaway is the bridge behind the buildings.

    And I like how they took the “Plumbings our game” slogan from the old title theme.

    With a pocket mercy, this guy ain’t dying on a competent team.

    Oh goody... This guy sounds all broken as hell.

    Honestly, I would rather get the Series X. I like my discs.

    The guy looks like the adult form of a kid who got rejected from Stranger Things.

    BotW had more rendering requirements with more detailed graphics, and that seems to have run much better.

    Did they do a “Dun dun dunnnnn” sound effect on the reveal?