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    Kill the game for short term gains, then shout “HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!” when the games population plummets...

    Old anime is a lot of yikes moments. Like old US cartoons that involve anything related to other cultures.

    Aw man... Yoshi-P I thought better of you.

    This is why those in the field of physics cry.

    Sigh... Of course there’s always that shitty side that just ruins any and all sympathy.

    Like... there are ways to make a battle pass not seem like a slog, and to allow people to obtain stuff through a shop. They made many things available ONLY through paying money with that purchased currency, which wasn’t the case in the past. They split currency into obtainable in game and the other through cash shop,

    Event itself is fun, but obtaining the stuff in it is an absolute chore.

    Well, Batman is dead, so...

    Or out of the deck solutions.

    When it comes to space launches, things should and need to be perfect. Any screw up will cost lives. Don’t care if its a strand of hair or a piece of dust. If it’s blocking something from working properly it needs to be fixed before launch.

    This has always been one of my absolute favorite rides. It’s just so well done.

    Removing that 2nd tank really makes it tough to play support when you get dive bombed 99% of the time, and your team doesnt do a damn thing to protect you.

    Crocodile Dundee would be quite pleased.

    Aww, but I want to make Billy Youngster who likes shorts far too much to learn a life lesson. You don’t go up to random trainers and demand battles unless you have something to back it up!

    My dyslexia is going to have a field day between this and FFXIV...

    I give it a 7.5 out of 13.

    Seems more that it’s ok according to most of these reviews. Summary: It’s not bad, but with high expectations of a series it’s not coming off of (surprisingly, given how Knight ended), it fell a little short.

    Yea I agree... And sadly that mentality is why we have sensationalist journalism everywhere.

    Yes, and I feel that EA will eventually throw them a cease and desist, as most things like that nowadays get tagged by the lawyer teams for these companies.

    And dont forget that they will also make sure that noone will be able to utilize a private server for multiplayer.